Thursday 26 April 2012

A Word on Nothing

Have you ever had writer's block? It's an odd feeling. You know your brain is working, it's trying to pump something out, and yet you've spent the last 45 minutes staring at your coworker and they're looking a little worried.

I am an Extrovert - strong emphasis on the "Extro". My brain often has trouble catching up to my mouth. Being unable to push ideas outward is a strange and scary occurrence for extroverts. Luckily, it doesn't come often. 

When I was in Grade 6, we had to write a 5 sentence story about a dinosaur. The exercise was to teach kids to be concise. I drew a blank. My very creative art teacher noticed, and gave me a photo to stare at. It was a tulip. I remember nothing except thinking "tulips smell weird". According to Ms. Twiss, the point was to "make your brain have a picnic." - I will say now that this seemed totally reasonable to my 10 year old self.

Tulips = brain picnic. Got it. .... 17 years later, it means this:

We all need a break - a moment of still to let our own ideas and creativity break through. A moment to just brainstorm the impossible. Therefore, my offering:

Enjoy your brain picnic.

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