Thursday 19 April 2012

Sending My Ego to the Wolves

There's been much talk recently about infographic resumes. Mashable created an interesting article about sites that let you do this, and you can read that here

Deciding to throw my Ego to the wolves and try it out for myself, I went to and made a page. If you like, you can check me out

I'd actually love to know what you think. I've got a couple issues. 

1) You can share on every single site known to humankind except one: Pinterest. (If you don't know what that is, Google it now. I'll see you again in 4 days)

2) Why can't I save my profile in a PDF format to put on Pinterest?

3) As a person who's breaking out into the field, and doesn't have years and years of experience, it looks a little sparse. 

The one reason I love this site - for any job hunter:

It asks the user to quantify their experiences. Numbers. Hard Facts. Moolah. 

When I was first in HR School, my professor looked at our class and said:

 "If you think HR is the fluffy, ladada, let's organize the company picnic, you're wrong. It's about finding hard facts to back up the sparkles"

I loved her immediately because she used the word "sparkles" in a sentence. She then proceeded to jump into weighted hiring blanks and standardized testing - but months later I would listen to a speaker talk about quantifying a resume. 

There have been so many articles on quantifying the soft skills, and I think infographics do this fabulously. It makes a user stop and think about how they affected the bottom line, team and departmental performance and a million other metrics in a real, hard, trackable way. 

Whether this is the future of resumes or not is beyond my guess, but it's a valuable tool for getting someone to think about how to sell themselves to recruiters, hiring managers, or even team coaches. Whether you share this online or keep it private, this could be a great way to teach younger generations about metrics, and how to leverage them. 

An edit to this post: I had uploaded my resume for downloading on Re.Vu as an experiment. Despite uploading as a locked document, it did not lock, and could be tampered with. Now that it has been deleted, it still shows up in Google searches but when clicked on leads to nothing. .... Not sure how I feel about that. 

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